2011 in images

2011 in images

Although last year didn’t start in the best way (the first two months have been the worst I’ve ever had to go through), everything went much better afterwards. Both me and Eve lived some amazing experiences: we got our master’s degrees, we visited Budapest and saw some of our all-time favourite bands (Good Charlotte & 30STM), we took photography (me) and styling (Eve) courses, we took part in countless events and most importantly we met a lot of great people and made new friends, thanks to our blog. We baked cupcakes, bought shoes, moved in new apartments, got jobs, lost jobs, won contests…Oh, and we also took tons of pics along the way, a small part of which you can see above.
Now we want to thank all our readers for their support, you’re absolutely amazing, guys! We are looking forward to a new, different, better year :). Happy 2012!
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