A Day at Balchik Palace
It’d been a dream of ours for some time to visit Balchik and this wish grew stronger after reading the book I told you about here, that has a few chapters dedicated to describing this picturesque place and its visitors during the interwar period. We were impressed with Queen Marie of Romania’s residence and the astonishing Botanical Gardens. Our trip was only a day-trip, but we would have loved to spend a long beautiful weekend there, as the weather was absolutely perfect (yes, for swimming and sun-bathing, too). We we will definitely go back, as we felt we didn’t have enough time to take it all in.

S. is wearing: YourEyesLie shirt and Asos skirt from Miniprix, New Yorker shoes
E. is wearing: Pull&Bear top, Asos skirt and shoes from Miniprix, H&M hat
Vizita la Blachik din acest weekend a fost ocazia perfectă să purtăm
o parte din hainele pe care le-am achiziționat săptămâna trecută din Miniprix. Am găsit o mulțime de piese frumoase și de abia așteptam să ne creăm ținutele pentru excursia de o zi. Între timp am aflat că s-a lansat și
Miniprix App, cu ajutorul căreia vă puteți comanda piesele preferate direct de pe smartphone, on the go. Talk about super fast shopping, ha. Alte beneficii, pe lângă rapiditate? Cu orice comandă pe telefon, plasată din aplicație, clienții beneficiază de 10% discount și transport gratuit. Aplicația este disponibilă gratuit aici: App Store-
http://on.mnp.ro/1cCschR / Google Play-
http://on.mnp.ro/1dLTupW. Yay, another excuse to buy stuff :))
(Visited 332 times, 1 visits today)
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Superb!!!! <3 totul e de vis:)
Haaaa ce tare! 😀
The place is charming indeed, oh how I want to go there now too!
Great pictures darlings, as usual 😉
the place looks delightful! and you guys are wearing such cute stuff! love the printed top + midi skirt + almost creepers combos 😀
Both looks are great, but I’m in love with the pastel blue one 🙂
I like how similar the items are, but still the looks are so different!
WOW! I love that fuchsia skirt!
Velvet Marina
Great outfits!
Frumos loc! Am fost și eu la Balchik anul trecut, însă nu am reușit să vizitez reședința Reginei Maria, am fost pe fugă. Sper totuși anul viitor să o fac.
Voi arătați minunat! Îmi plac foarte mult ambele ținute!
This place looks so beautiful! The pictures are also so breathtaking <3
And I really adore both looks ^-^
xxx The Mad Twins
Wow, everything is so beautiful! Your pictures really made me miss the sea… And you girls are stunning as always! <3
Lots of love,
Don’t miss my GIVEAWAY ♥
lovely pics!
The location is beautiful!! I love both outfits!!
I feel the need to repeat myself: Pure perfection was achieved by the 2 of you!