A daydream away

A daydream away

It’s been quite dull lately, so I’m pretty eager about spring and the near future. So to take it a step further I’ve started up with some changes, and what better way to do so than a new hairstyle and colour (the wardrobe area is still out of the question, taking into account the terrible weather we’re having). So, apparently I’m back to my old self but in a brighter, more colourful way ( the Gods of Red Hair have finally answered my prayers ). Without further ado: Let there be Spring!!!!
Si inca ceva:
Duminica 3 martie va asteptam la targul Women for Women Fashion&Lifestyle “Savoir Vivre” Edition care va avea loc la Casa Universitarilor (Str. Dionisie Lupu, nr. 46).
W4W este un targ de lifestyle care celebreaza femeia in forma ei pura, drept urmare prin editia “Savoir Vivre” propune o incursiune in timp a valorilor si frumosului, urmarind evolutia femeii din perioada interbelica pana la femeia emancipata din ziua de azi. Invitati speciali vor fi Monica Tatoiu, Valentina Pelinel, Dana Rogoz si fotografa Marta Popescu, initiatoarea proiectului „I love”.
Pentru a doua editie din 3 martie a targului organizat de Women for Women organizatorii au pregatit multe surprize, printre care  “Pin-Up Blogger’s Parade” , la care vom participa si noi. See you there!
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  1. Lovely Darlings

    Imi place tot la aceasta tinuta si iti sta foarte bine! E super noul look. Ininte nu imi placea deloc parul roscat dar de cand v-am vazut pe voi si pe Miss Pandora, ador roscatele!

    De abia astept sa va vad la targ! La ce ora sunteti acolo?

    Pupici, Julie

  2. Nicoleta Parascan

    Although I absolutely adored your previous color-combo, I must admit this red is simply gorgeous. The outfit seems to perfectly complement the new hair-style, love the tights as well <3 Have fun at the fair, can;t wait for the pictures!


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