A fab Saturday – Part II

A fab Saturday – Part II

As I promised, here’s part II of the fabulous adventure on Saturday. I took part in the contest organised by Glamour Superslims, that I didn’t know much about at first (many thanks to Oana for making us participate). So, as you can imagine, I was really surprised when I received a call letting me know that I was among the 3 finalists. The girls and I had 30 minutes to create an outfit (for no more than 500 RON), using clothes and accessories picked from the exhibitors at the fair. We also had to include the fuchsia scarf, as a symbol of the brand. Not the easiest task, but it was so much fun! Never before had I participated in a similar competition. Here are the final outfits:



The outfit I picked (of course Eve was there all the time to back me up) was on the romantic side, featuring a lace top and a flowy midi skirt (gorgeous fabrics). I also added some unexpected details – the book clutch (yes, it IS made from a real book, and handpainted) and la pièce de résistance: the statement necklace plus the scarf, tied in a bow. The outfits created by the girls were fab (the first one was created by Silvia from Bucharest Style), I believe the jury had a tough time deliberating.




And it appears that the jury liked my outfit, so I won :D. The prize was, well, the outfit. I couldn’t have been happier. My little helper got her share of the prize, of course :P. You’ll see us wearing the pieces soon, because they fit really well in our wardrobes.
Necklace: Katerini Mou 
Book clutch: by Coolta – I loved every single piece, I’ve wanted a book clutch ever since I saw these.
Lace top: ??? please tell me if you know, I forgot to ask for a card 🙁
Photo credit:  Anaivilo & Eve

Thanks so much everyone!
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  1. kittenhood

    I can’t remember where, but I recently found a cool DIY project for a book-clutch – it’s an awesome idea! congrats on winning and can’t wait to see you guys wearing the new stuff!

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