A Summer Escapade

A Summer Escapade

Here are some pics I was planning on showing you for a while; they’re from my short trip to the seaside. On my first day it was rather windy and slightly cold, so I decided to go for a walk instead of laying on the beach.  I wore my beloved red dress from Topshop and my Asos jelly sandals. The weather improved a lot in a matter of hours and in the next couple of days the heat was back in business.

hat and polka dots
red dress
As for my secound outfit, all I can say is that I was skeptical about the combo: dotty socks and the car print top, but in the end it worked like a charm.
car print
car print top
neon vans

Și acum un mic anunț:
Exclusiv pentru C&A, Cindy Crawford a creat prima ei colecție de modă,  o reflecție a stilului său personal. „Scopul meu este de a crea o colecție confortabilă, care să poată fi purtată în viața de zi cu zi“, a dezvăluit ea. „Cindy Crawford Collection @ C&A“ este prezentă în România de astăzi, 30 august,  în cele 21 de magazine din întreaga țară. We’re definitely going to check it out and we suggest you do, too!

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