Absolutely Fabulous Fair – Part I – People

Absolutely Fabulous Fair – Part I – People

Yesterday was Absolutely Fabulous Fair Day. Perfect weather, lovely location, great clothes and accessories and wonderful people! What more could we ask for a Sunday afternoon?

Ieri a fost ziua Absolutely Fabulous. Vreme superbă, locație foarte faină, haine și accesorii drăguțe și mulți mulți oameni minunați. Ce altceva ne-am putea dori de la o dupa-amiază de duminică? Am participat pentru prima dată la AbFab Fair și am fost foarte încantate. Cu siguranță nu vom lipsi de la edițiile viitoare.



The theme of the fashion fair was: Be Boho, Be Fabulous, so we tried to play along 🙂
Tema fiind Be Boho, Be Fabulous, am încercat să ne adaptăm 🙂


S. wearing an amazing spiked headband by Alice & Sara.
S. a probat o minunată coroniță cu țepi, de la Alice & Sara.



And now, pics of some of the blogger friends we met and just HAD to photograph:


Us with Silvia & Raluca, the lovely girls behind Bucharest Style.


The very pretty Anaivilo from Wonder Fashion. She had the most beautiful skirt (made by her of course), that we were all admiring (and photographing).


The always smiling Costin . So glad we met again and managed to take a few more pics 🙂


Alice & Raluca (sorry for the papparazzi pic, girls)

zzz 059x
zzz 054x

Eve, Laura (who had the prettiest booties EVER) and Anaivilo


We were so glad to see some of the girls again, and meet others for the first time. We talked a lot, enjoyed people-watching & browsing through the pretty stuff  and took tons of pics. Another post is coming soon with details and highlights from the fair.

Ne-am bucurat sa revedem o parte din fete și să cunoaștem lume nouă. Am stat mult de vorbă, am admirat produsele și vizitatorii și am facut muuulte fotografii. Foarte curând, un nou post cu detalii de la târg.


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  1. Andreea

    Like i said on Oliviana’s blog…what an awesome trio of readheads! Anyway, everybody looked gorgeous and the photos are really beautiful, i always enjoy staring at your photography:P

  2. Laura Tenshi

    Awww, you guys are so cute ! Sandra, you look stunning in flare jeans and the animal print scarf is divine. Eve, I love the maxi skirt you wore and the stripped blouse.
    I had such a great time with the two of you and I know I’ve said this like a hundred times before, but thank you so much for taking these pictures. Your camera is so much better than mine and I can’t wait to post them on my blog too.

  3. lilacpurplesky

    Those pictures are amazing, I do love this blog!
    I love the haircuts, the style and the tastes. You’re also lucky to have blogger friends in you town! I don’t know/like anybody in Paris!
    I’ll follow with pleasure.

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