Am I seeing a pattern here?

Am I seeing a pattern here?


Yes, I am referring to the polka-dots on my blouse, that seem to have become omnipresent in my/our recent outfits. Polka-dots + pajamas appear to be a winner combination for us lately. And we swear it was not intended, although we might start a “Pajamas as streetwear” club very very soon if this is going to continue :)) Who wants to join? We’re going to have this picย as a poster in the club house and our first challenge will be to wear a full set out, not just separate pieces, haha.

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Polka_dot_pajama_blouse (2)

Polka_dot_pajama_blouse (3)

Polka_dot_pajama_blouse (1)
My lovely blouse, as well as Eve’s pants and myย topย from our last post are treasures that we found atย Miniprix. And talking about Miniprix, we have something prepared for the next days, so stay tuned!

I’m wearing: Gerard Darel skirt, New Look Flats, M&S pajama top from Miniprix, DIY tassel earrings, Marc by MJ sunnies
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  1. The Hearabouts

    I’m not head over heels for the PJ trend, but I must admit I fell in love with your look. It’s so feminine, so delicate and between the dusted pink, the tiny polka-dots and the gorgeous pairing to the skirt, I don’t know what I like more ๐Ÿ™‚

    You look beautiful,

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