Antique feeling

Antique feeling

This is just a quick post to show you guys a really nice place we’ve been to last week. It’s called Thomas Antiques and it is an antique shop/cafe situated in downtown Bucharest. We went there only a couple of times but we absolutely adored the vintage atmosphere. It’s a joy and an adventure to discover every room, each one different and beautiful in its own way. Definitely a great way to spend an afternoon with your friends and a enjoy a cup of French Vanilla (our favourite).

Dreamy Laura ♡
Funny faces ^_^
The two of us + Oli, check out her post here
♡ S.&E. ♡
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  1. Cristina B

    That’s a very inspiring place, I’d see myself spending half my day there, sketching and drinking coffee after coffee, forgetting about everything else. You captured the atmosphere wonderfully in the photos!

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