Autumn memories

Autumn memories

A few days till Christmas & I know many of you are still on their last minute presents shopping frenzy, myself included. But despite all this, I still don’t feel like giving up on autumn.
I almost forgot about this set of pictures I took at the end of this October and surprising or not I also have a funny story up my sleeve.
I took these pictures on my birthday when I decided to take a fantastic, magical trip to a dreamy place:  Lake Balaton (well at least in pictures it was ). Unfortunately, the weather was dreadful and on top of being incredibly cold and gloomy, the main attraction was nowhere to be seen. Yes, you’ve heard that right, I went to see a lake and the only thing I saw, were fences, fences everywhere. Everything was closed and after walking in the wrong direction for 2 hours, the only treat were the beautiful colored leaves.
Don’t get me wrong, I did see a glimpse of the lake, but from the train and from far far far away. I came in mind with an image of me walking on the shores of the Balaton and I ended up strolling along side a bike track.
So here you go, this is one of my memorable experiences from this autumn season. Hope you enjoy the photos and have a great week.

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