

I absolutely adore this skirt, but unfortunately I don’t wear it very often, mainly because it’s quite fragile. It also has an interesting story. I have it from my grandmother and I remember that when I was little she made me a set of the same fabric: a cute top with a flower detail, and a frilly skirt. I loved that set sooo much, it was may favourite thing to wear: the softness of the silk, the blush floral print that wasn’t like anything else I’ve seen before. I’d wear it on hot summer days, when she used to take me to the park nearby and I’d pick flowers and leaves for my pressed plants collection. Hmmm, nostalgia got to me again. How about you? Do you girls have any items that have an interesting story behind them?

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I’m wearing: Denim&Supply peasant top, vintage silk chiffon skirt, Coolta book clutch, Asos pumps

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  1. Oteea

    What a beautiful story 🙂 I don’t believe I own anything with such rich history behind at the moment, but I do have some items from years ago that I cannot convince myself to give away simply because they were special gifts, from special persons in my life and they remind me of moments I now cherish.

    Your skirt is beautiful and so, so delicate, you did a wonderful job in styling it with the peasant top (love the sound of that ^_^) and those gorgeous pumps.

    Hugs & a very happy weekend!

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