Click your heels three times

Click your heels three times

“And remember, never let those ruby slippers off your feet for a moment, or you will be at the mercy of the Wicked Witch of the West.”

* Glinda, the Good Witch of the North

Toate avem un film preferat, o rochie, o geanta ce ne fac sa ne simtim ca un star de cinema. Si aici nu ma refer la celebritatile din zilele noastre, ci vreau sa va fac sa va imaginati pentru o clipa intr-o poveste clasica hollywoodiana. Si pentru ca ne plac mult povestile, haideti sa visam si mai mult si sa combinam filmul cu magia, cu minunata lume din Oz.  Iar pentru ca reteta sa fie completa un ingredient cheie il reprezinta  o  pereche de pantofi rosii  ce amintesc atat de mult de minunatii pantofi purtati de Dorothy.
H&M Striped Cardigan
Pasos Red Heels

Little Black Dress


We start this week with a pinch of magic, then we add a classic movie like the 1939 “The Wizard of Oz”, a 50’s inspired dress, a vintage bag and the perfect pair of shoes. For a successful outcome you should also add a lot of confidence and a big smile, because we all know that you are a true movie star.

I’m wearing: Shoes: Pasos/ Dress: Topshop / Cardigan: H&M / Bag: Vintage

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