Click your heels three times
“And remember, never let those ruby slippers off your feet for a moment, or you will be at the mercy of the Wicked Witch of the West.”
* Glinda, the Good Witch of the North
Toate avem un film preferat, o rochie, o geanta ce ne fac sa ne simtim ca un star de cinema. Si aici nu ma refer la celebritatile din zilele noastre, ci vreau sa va fac sa va imaginati pentru o clipa intr-o poveste clasica hollywoodiana. Si pentru ca ne plac mult povestile, haideti sa visam si mai mult si sa combinam filmul cu magia, cu minunata lume din Oz. Iar pentru ca reteta sa fie completa un ingredient cheie il reprezinta o
pereche de pantofi rosii ce amintesc atat de mult de minunatii pantofi purtati de Dorothy.

We start this week with a pinch of magic, then we add a classic movie like the 1939 “The Wizard of Oz”, a 50’s inspired dress, a vintage bag and the perfect pair of shoes. For a successful outcome you should also add a lot of confidence and a big smile, because we all know that you are a true movie star.
I’m wearing: Shoes:
Pasos/ Dress: Topshop / Cardigan: H&M / Bag: Vintage
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That is one gorgeous dress and the shoes are simply mesmerizing! Beautiful photos 😀
Uuuu, how I love this classy, vintage inspired look. The shoes are absolutely perfect and so is the new hair do ^_^ Wonderful photos indeed!
Foarte frumosi, pantofii! Si little black dress e tare draguta!
Amazing shoes! And that dress is so lovely! Combine them and you get nothing but pure perfection!
superba! un strop de culoare intr-o tinuta face minuni 😉
Those shoes are amazing! I’ve never really seen the Wizard of Oz classic movie (shame on me) but I did watch the new one. Such a pretty dress! Gorgeous photo’s 🙂
arata foarte bine pantofii, par si comozi:D imi place tinuta ca e minimalista, nimic exagerat.
Lovely look !
Beautiful bag !
And I love the colour of the hair 🙂
such a charming outfit!)
looking charming! the dress and the shoes are plain perfect.
Stiam ca poti sa asortezi pantofii cu nuanta parului, insa nu ma gandeam ca in cazul unei redhead efectul este atat de wow!
This look is very elegant and classy. Love the pop of red.