Colour infusion
I’ve always thought that you can never have enough shoes, but lately it has been more of the: you can’t have enough uncomfortable shoes. So, after a series of unfortunate events which included flats (especially flats), resulting in a sour ankle, the shoe gods have been good to me and helped me find this gorgeous babies and another couple of heavenly treats for my feet.
This post is the second part of our botanical garden adventure, Eve’s style. Enjoy!
I’m wearing: Asos pants, H&M shoes and necklace, Atmosphere top
Ah, și mai avem o surpriză pentru voi! Pe data de 4 iulie, la Penthouse Gallery, va avea loc evenimentul „Colour Infusion”, de lansare a colecției vestimentare „Celebration of Summer and Happiness”, a tânărului designer român Sorina Banică, sub brandul E.Thula. The Hearabouts are onoarea de a fi partener media la acest eveniment și acest lucru știți deja ce înseamnă: multe fotografii și an inside scoop, all for you.
Mai multe detalii despre Colour Infusion și E.Thula în curând. Până atunci ne puteți urmări pagina de Facebook, si nu uitați să alegeți opțiunea “Show in news feed” (hover over the Liked button) pentru a putea primi toate update-urile. Mulțumim!
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i love these photos. your skirt pleats and your top are just to die for.
kw, Ladies in Navy
WOW adoring that outfit. The teal colour is great and you managed to pair it well with that top!
So beautiful
Daisy Dayz
My Hub Pages
lovely, lovely! the shoes are divine (want!) and you just look so cute.
“I’ve always thought that you can never have enough shoes, but lately it has been more of the: you can’t have enough uncomfortable shoes” EPIC! :)) Zici c-am spus-o eu:))
I adore all the lovely colors and those shoes! <3
out of order
Cute outfit!I love your shoes!
Gorgeous outfit and perfect shoes. The place cannot be more perfect.
Fusta si pantofii sunt clar pe placul meu.
Zadin ♥♥♥
love the color!
Lovely pictures. U look stunning hun xx
love the colors!!
omg I love that vibrant color with the flowers… extremely pretty gorgeous… Hope you are having a great friday
Love the colors!
I’m a new follower now! 😉
so beutifull photos and skirt! maybe we can fallow each other? im already fallowing ypu!
What a wonderful blog, girls! ♥
Absolutely in love with your photos and outfits!
I am currently searching for some bloggers for a mutual blog interview / feature… are you interested? Just have a look at my blog 🙂
fashion is for idiots [like us]
fashion is for idiots [like us]
Woaaaa so magical ! I love the light and the top, so colorful and yummy! 😀 Great look 😉
Nice outfit!
The colors in this outfit are gorgeous! I just love that skirt. The heels are an amazing color too!
I got you, we do sometimes suffer for the beauty!:) Those are really lovely shoes, great heel hight, and they go excellent with the whole pretty look!
pretty top!! love the colour of your skirt! u look lovely 🙂
//collar necklace giveaway on my blog//
Superba tinuta, imi plac culorile enorm, kisses
Imi place foarte mult outfitul si imi place ca ai mizat pe o nuanta de albastru care ti se potriveste foarte bine.
Te felicit!
Ne vedem miercuri.