Crystallized berries & lavender lemonade

Crystallized berries & lavender lemonade


Looking for some amazing summer treats? No need to continue searching, because we have the perfect suggestions. It seems that it’s becoming a tradition to have (blue) berries as the main ingredient in our summer recipes. Remember this? This time I chose to make sugared berries to use as decorations.  These are very easy to make and they look absolutely amazing. All you need is an egg white and caster sugar. Brush the berries with the lightly beaten egg white and then sprinkle sugar (or roll them in sugar). I chose to decorate some vanilla tarts with them and they also look great in between marshmallows, on a skewer. I also made a delicious lavender-infused lemonade (it needs just a bit of lavender). Oh, and I added a bit of purple food coloring to make it look fancier, because the lavender does not add color.

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3. crystallised_berries

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sig S
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