The Season of the Rose
It's the time that you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important… People have forgotten this truth, but you mustn't forget it. You become responsible forever for...
En: As we have already announced on our Facebook page at the beginning of this week, we are delighted to announce the reopening of one of our favorite stores: Debenhams. This news gives us tremendous joy, mostly because be are big fans of Debenhams clothing (as well as Henry Holland’s creations, that we can’t wait to be able to purchase once again).
Ro: Dupa cum am anuntat la inceputul saptamanii pe pagina de Facebook The Hearabouts, pe 26 martie se va redeschide magazinul Debenhams in Romania, in cadrul București Mall. Am primit cu multa bucurie aceasta veste, deoarece Debenhams s-a numarat intotdeauna printre magazinele noastre preferate.
De la imprimeurile florale puternice şi pana la aerul boem al anilor ’70, department store-ul Debenhams reuseste sa transpuna principalele tendinte ale sezonului primavara-vara 2015, printr-un mix unic de branduri proprii exclusive, marci internationale in concesiune si nume celebre de designeri precum Ben de Lisi, Jasper Conran, John Rocha, Julien Macdonald, Henry Holland si Patrick Grant.
Va invitam sa descoperiti o parte dintre minunatele piese ale noii colectii primavara/vara 2015, care pe noi ne-au cucerit deja.
I need that big floral print skirt asap!! O.O