Some days are heavenly
I can't believe I will be talking about Laura's wedding in the past tense from now on. It seems like just yesterday that she was telling us about her engagement and...
Although it’s been a week since the Digital Divas event and the impressions are not “hot from the oven” anymore, we figured it’s high time we wrote a post about it. We should begin by saying that all day last Friday we felt butterflies in our stomach, something similar to the last day of school, when you’re not sure what’s going to happen. We’re glad we managed to see and listen to some of the speakers live (as we arrived after the lunch break, we saw the first half of the conference on live stream). We were pleasantly impressed by the overall atmosphere and the set-up and we were happy to meet and talk to our fellow bloggers. Our shyness and our shaky social skills have made it, once again, difficult for us to communicate with people as well as we’d have liked to. Sorry for the awkwardness, girls!
As you may know, we had been nominated in the best newcomer fashion blog category. Even if we’ve been blogging for almost 3 years now, we still feel like newcomers in this industry. Let’s just say, we haven’t made it big (yet) and we’re sure some of the other girls that were nominated feel the same. Anyway, when the moment came to announce the winners in this category, we were really nervous and shaking (it’s not an overstatement, we swear). The next minutes are a complete blank spot in our minds, we don’t even remember how we got on stage when they announced us, or what we said there :)). So here is what we would have loved to be able to say:
The prize is a validation that we are doing something well, but on the other side it has a deeper meaning to us. We feel like just have to change something, to work as hard as we can to constantly improve and concentrate more on what WE do rather than constantly comparing ourselves to others. Yes, we do that.
We never considered the blog to be a job, because we don’t like the limitations that come from this title; we have never worked well when we felt constrained. For us, the blog has been a way of expressing our feelings through photography, rather than a launching platform for ourselves, because we don’t think we are people who shine in the spotlight. We are trying to stay true to ourselves and make no compromises as few compromises as we can. This is what we really felt in our hearts. And, as we said, we are extremely grateful for having people that follow us and enjoy what we do.
We could go on talking about this for ages but we’re going to stop here, give our congrats to Claudia (3rd prize), Raluca (2nd prize) and All Hollow (1st prize) in the Newcomer Fashion Blog Category and to all the other winners and nominees. We know how hard you all work to make you readers happy.
You wrote such wonderful words!! I think if I were to win something I would be in the same freaked out position. Congratulations once again girls! To be honest, I do believe you deserve the first spot! 😉
Despre ce shaky social skills vorbiți voi? Ați fost super drăguțe și deja îmi plănuiesc următorul popas la București – pentru mai multe zile de data asta! Felicitări sincere încă o dată și să sperăm că la anul nu veți fi nominalizate tot la Newcomers :)) Vă puuuuuup!
Iulia Romana Pop
Felicitari! Meritati din plin premiul, m-am bucurat enorm pentru voi si m-am bucurat si mai mult sa va cunosc, imi doream foaarte mult.
Va pup si sper sa avem ocazia sa ne mai vedem! <3
The Lovely Darlings
Congrats girls! Being rewarded for what you do is the best feeling in the world. Especially if you love doing what you’re doing 🙂 I feel exactly the same way over things that sound like a ‘job’ that those make you feel more constrained. Luckily this blog isn’t a job but a great platform where you girls have fun 😀
You look great!
Congrats!!! that is absolutely awesome!!!
Thank you <3. And you should have been up there with us, too :*
Haha, we are kind of weird and shy. Noroc ca esti tu super outgoing <33. Te asteptam la Bucuresti :*
Multumim mult :*, cu siguranta ne vom mai intalni 🙂
Thank you so much for your words 😀