Dream destination- Zakynthos, part I
If you haven’t made any plans for the summer and you are still looking for a little bit of heaven where you can relax and recharge your batteries, look no further my dears, the island of Zakynthos is the place to be. The many scents flowing into the air around every corner, the flowers, fruits, butterflies, the infinite turquoise of the sea and the hospitality of the locals are some of the few things that make this place a dream destination.
A big thank you goes to
Deea for the beautiful portraits.

P.S: Because, as you all know, GFC is shutting down, please follow us on Bloglovin’ if you want to stay updated from now on. It would mean the world to us. Thanks!
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Gorgeous, Eve! <3
Oh my goodness, this looks like paradise! Adding it to my list of places to visit immediately! xoxo The perks
of being a hipster
Beautiful photos! Love your outfit!
gorgeous images. adore your blouse
kw ladies in navy
Oh my this is gorgeous!!!!! I would love to go there!
Beautiful photos.
oh my <3 those photos are so lovely & romantic ! <3
Ce de fotografii frumoase!!! <3
Great colors and wonderful atmosphere! Love’m!
I should have known this beautiful place was Greece, it’s so amazing and you look beautiful <3
I am in love with Greece! Although I’ve been to Greece 3 times now everytime I chose a different part of it and I fell in love. Zakynthos and Santorini are my top two places from Greece where I haven’t got the chance to go yet. Your post confirmed all my dreams about a possible vacation there. The pics are simply amazing and they capture so well the atmosphere and the colors. Amazing!
The Lovely Darlings
I have always dreamed about visiting Greece, the pictures are breathtaking, I can only imagine the feeling of actually walking those streets <3
You look ever so pretty :* Can’t hardly wait for the next part of the photos!
This is absolutely amazing and the photos are more than perfect 🙂
superbe pozele, peisajul, tot 😉
These snaps are absolutely gorgeous! Love those exotic flowers 🙂 Greece is so pretty. Vacation times are the best after a hard working year 🙂