Event: Comunitatea Fashionistelor by Divahair.ro

Event: Comunitatea Fashionistelor by Divahair.ro

The Hearabouts x
Oliviana (The Wonder Fashion) Evelina, Teo, Dana si Sandra x
Oliviana, Eve, Teo, Dana, Sandra

This Tuesday we attended another magical event. This time the occasion was the official launch of an application named Comunitatea Fashionistelor (Community of Fashionistas). It is a platform where you can upload photos of your outfits, tag the items you are wearing, get feedback and follow other fashionable girls’ outfits. It’s the only application of this kind in Romania, and it’s intended to attract stylish girls, as well as people who want to get ideas for their own everyday outfits. This is the video that explains everything, featuring some of our lovely fellow Romanian fashion bloggers (everything’s in Romanian, but you can always check out the photos, for inspiration). S’profile here & E’s profile here , you can follow us if you’d like 🙂

We also got the chance to meet Mona from La Boheme 🙂

Madame Luciex
Tortul realizat de Delicex

Yummy macarons and a fashion-cake


Lovely details: Denisa‘s satchel and fashionable girls

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Oana, editor-in-chief for Diva Hair. Happy birthday to her and congrats for an amazing event (to her and the other memebers of the team)! We’re expecting more evenings like this one 😛



E. : H&M shoes and dress, New Look clutch



S.: New Look top and shoes, Handmade Designs skirt, Nina Ricci clutch, Forever21 necklace


Behind the scenes photo courtesy of Alice


All in all it was a really great way of spending a hot summer evening, meeting lots of people, chatting, taking pics, eating goodies… what more could we ask?
♥S & E
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  1. Alice in vintageland

    You all looked beautiful! I’m always crazy about everything you wear and right now I’m regreting not buying the coral sandals Eve’s so gracefully wearing. And I love taking photos with S. – we’re a match in the height department! Kisses:)

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