Facing the cold

Facing the cold


I’m trying hard not to state my hatred for cold weather once again, although I feel a terrible urge to. These photos were taken in about 10 minutes, in an awfully windy weather, while I tried to restrain from crying (wind makes me teary-eyed). A runny nose and teary eyes can make one look completely un-glamorous, always having to pull a paper tissue from the bag/pocket. I’m wondering what will I do when winter comes, be forced to take pics inside or wrap myself, including my head/face, in layers of clothing and dare to go out??


Just a simple casual look, wearing my trusted leopard print scarf that has been keeping me warm for many seasons, Pimkie faux leather jacket, dad’s sweater (extra long sleeves included), Β vintage shorts and my new boots (they look weird, but they’re quite comfy).
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  1. Anna

    i feel you! i hate cold, especially the freezing wind! zilele astea n-am iesit afara fara bocanci si caciula, foarte unfashionable, dar numai asa pot sa suport frigul. trebuie sa ma mobilizez sa-l infrunt :))
    imi plac botinele la nebunie au un aer rockerish asa, si bineinteles tinuta!

  2. nik

    Hello! Thanks for lovely comment and for following! WOW I love your necklace! it’s gorgeous! and I’m impressed of the way how you match the color of necklace with your nails! Great idea!:) Of course I follow u back:)
    xoxo nik

  3. Kiki Janku

    Hello there sweetie! Thanks for the lovely comment over my blog, and also for following me, it means a lot to me! I’m following you now 2! If you want to check me on your followers list I’ll be in the end because I don’t have a profile picture(having problems uploading one) You can come and visit my cooking blog 2 and If you like it you can follow me, but I can’t follow you twice because I have both blogs with the same add!

    Hope you’re having a great day!

    My cooking blog, support me:

    xoxo Kiki

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