Festival style icons: idei de outfit-uri

Festival style icons: idei de outfit-uri

En: As this weekend is dedicated to Summer Well Festival, we figured we’re in need of some outfit inspiration. So we picked a couple of celebs that are well-known for pulling together some amazing festival outfits.

Ro: Deoarece weekend-ul 9-10 august este dedicat festivalului Summer Well, ne-am gandit sa cream un post cu idei de outfit-uri pentru aceasta ocazie. Ficare dintre noi si-a ales o celebritate al carei stil reprezinta inspiratia perfecta pentru o tinuta de festival.



Sandra’s fav: Dita von Teese. Not much to say here… I mean, Dita is pretty much perfect, so her festival style can’t be any different. I find it amazing that she kept the retro vibe throughout, without looking dated.  So if you want to stand out from the crowd of cropped denim shorts and aztec prints, retro is definitely the way to go. Absolute must-haves: a pair of vintage sunnies and red matte lipstick.

Favorita Sandrei: Dita von Teese. Daca va doriti sa iesiti in evidenta in multimea de pantaloni scurti si imprimeuri tribale si nu va e teama de stilul retro, Dita von Teese este exemplul de urmat. Imaginea Ditei este mereu impecabila, iar tinutele ei de festival nu dezamagesc. Este incredibil cum reuseste sa mentina un stil retro coerent, fara sa arate demodata.  Ce nu trebuie sa lipseasca dintr-un astfel de look: ochelarii de soare vintage si rujul rosu mat.



Evelina’s fav: Vanessa Hudgens.  She’s the festival queen, her boho-hippie style inspires us all. Her signature look is particular based on accessories, whether we’re talking about floppy hats, a multitude of long necklaces, floral crowns or the unmissable sunglasses. This look is for the girl that wants to stand out but also have fun in the front row screaming form the top of her lungs, or hanging out with her friends in the back.

Preferata Evelinei: Vanessa Hudgens, adepta a stilului boem.  Elementele care ii definesc look-ul de festival sunt: palariile mari, colierele lungi suprapuse, coronitele din flori si ochelarii de soare supradimensionati. Acest tip de tinute sunt perfecte pentru fetele care vor sa iasa in evidenta, chiar daca se afla in primul rand cantand toate versurile odata cu formatia sau in spate, relaxandu-se alaturi de prieteni.


Who’s your favourite festival icon? What would you wear to such an event?

 Stilul carei vedete va inspira cand este vorba de tinute pentru festival?

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