The Season of the Rose
It's the time that you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important… People have forgotten this truth, but you mustn't forget it. You become responsible forever for...
― Hans Christian Andersen
This is the story of a girl that desperately wanted fairy tales to be real. Thus she made a wish on a falling star, so that her world would be filled with magic. When she woke up the next day, she felt disappointed to see her wish did not come true. She looked the same, she had no super powers, her room looked as before, everything in perfect order. She went to her window and was surprised to see that her entire garden was covered in sparkly white snow. She was in awe, as she had read about this but never before had she gotten the chance to actually see snow, let alone touch it. That, for her, was something pretty amazing. She went into the garden, amazed but also frightened by this little miracle that had just happened . Looking around her, she then understood that magic can be experienced everyday. You get a glimpse of it in the simple things in life and it is within your own power to be happy and make miracles happen.
LaChatterie skirt
This post is beyond amazing, truly looks like a fairytale..<3
Wow! E absolut minunata postarea! <3
De fiecare data ne surprindeti cu fotografii si texte creative. Chiar mi se pare ca evoluati de la postare la postare. Desi mi se par foarte bune toate, parca pe masura ce trece timpul, devin din ce in ce mai bune.
Si asta e magie: sa spuneti povesti prin intermediul postarilor voastre si sa ne faceti sa visam.
Va pup! :*
Insasi aceasta postare e un basm devenit realitate <3
Absolut superbe toate fotografiile, ipostazele, peisajul, tinuta si atitudinea!!
Ador panglica din par si mai ales ce bine se potriveste cu nuanta parului, dar si rosul cardiganului pe alb, calutul de plus… povestea… minunat, felicitari!!
these are truly fairytale material! that bow really ties everything together 🙂
Intreaga viata poate fi ca o poveste, ca un basm…minunat articolul, uitandu-ma la fotografii parca rememoram imagini din cele imaginate cand citeam demult basme si povesti.
This photoshoot looks like a combination between Margaret Keane’s Big Eyes paintings and Alexandrina Hristov’s work. You look whimsical, dear! ^_^
wow you just show a fairy tale by your look, by every single piece. every single photo is a story. i love it <3 you're so magic! ^_^