Giveaway entries list

Giveaway entries list

 Hey girls, this is the final entries list for our giveaway. Please let us know if there are any problems. We’ll announce the winner tomorrow. Until then, Good luck! And may St. Nicholas bring you lots of sweet presents!
1.      Diana
2.      miha.ela
3.      miha.ela
4.      Poofie
5.      Deiusk
6.      Heels lover
7.      Cecille
8.      Anna
9.      Anaivilo
10.  Madda Ilade
11.  Alma
12.  Laura Tenshi
13.  Teodora
14.  Diana L. Barbu 
15.  Diana L. Barbu
16.  Halil Emelle 
17.  Halil Emelle
18.  Larutza
19.  Motiv
20.  Gingerrr
21.  Gingerrr
22.  Ioana


We’re really sorry but this was open only to our Romanian readers, therefore Aahna and Marlowe cannot participate :(. We apologize and we promise that we’ll have an international giveaway too.

L.E : Annd *insert drum roll here* (we really had a drumroll play while we picked the winners :D)  the winners are:

Congrats, Deiusk and Diana  ! We’ll contact you on e-mail! For the other participants, thanks a lot for entering, we’ll prepare more surprises for you, just  keep you eye on our blog 🙂 !

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  1. Faboulista

    waaaaa!!!! nui nimica. i am planning a little giveaway by the end of the week 2 so u girls can enter that mine K? btw i was insipred by the headbands i could not win from u guys and went and bought one for myself. hehehe. worn it in my last post.

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