Granny takes a trip

Granny takes a trip

If you’ve found the title of this post to be a bit weird and possibly intriguing, let me tell you the story behind it. Granny takes a trip is actually the name of a London boutique that opened in February 1966 at 488 Kings Road in Chelsea, London by journalist Nigel Waymouth, his girlfriend, Sheila Cohen, and Savile Row tailor John Pearse.  Sheila Cohen was an actress and avid collector of vintage and antique clothing and with the arrival of John Pearse the project took a very theatrical, psychedelic road and completely  transformed the face of  fashion retailing. Using his tailoring skills, he adapted vintage Victorian and Edwardian garments to the contemporary trends. From the beginning, Granny takes a trip drew lots of attention with its surreal (and temporary) shop fronts, the most well-known being an Art Nouveau- style painting of Jean HarlowNot before long, the shop’s eclectic mix of fine tailoring and antique garments started to attract an array of rockstars and celebrities, from the Beatles and the Rolling Stones to Brigitte Bardot and even Andy Warhol.

Granny’s was a pioneer of the boutique boom, influencing numerous stores that followed. The original Granny’s team went their separate ways in 1969 and sold the business to London fashion entrepreneur Freddie Hornik, who had previously worked at Chelsea’s Dandie Fashions.  (info sources: Wikipedia & Paula Reed’s Fifty fashion looks that changed the 1960s).

I hope  this is as interesting to you as it was to me and I recommend watching the little video posted below, that features this shop among other interesting things of the period.

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I am wearing a vintage sweater from my great-grandma, vintage suede mini skirt via the Dear Hunters, Sonia Rykiel cateye sunnies, vintage moon pin and a vintage coat.

sig S

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  1. Oteea

    I love “experiencing” the ’60s through your eyes, your outfits are always so beautiful and I can’t believe just how perfect of a fit they are for you. These days, I would have a hard time picturing you in anything else ^_^


  2. Marie

    LOVE the outfit! Everything about it. I’m new to your blog. I’m so glad I found you via Bloglovin! I’m still getting familiar with your site, but wishing you a belated Happy New Year.

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