Recomandari de carti pentru lista de lectura pe 2020
Un nou an inseamna intotdeauna si o noua lista de lectura, asa ca am selectat pentru voi, din colectiile Grupului Editorial Art, 11 carti pe care le-am impartit pe grupe...
“I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book.”
― J.K. Rowling
Happy Holidays, beautiful people! Hope you had a magical Christmas day surrounded by your loved ones.
Recently we have been rather absent from the blog because we have started a new chapter in our lives – our YouTube Channel. We’ve been planning this for a while, and we finally decided to take the leap and just do it. Please excuse the awkwardness, we promise we’ll try to be more chill from now on. We have lots of ideas (book-related and otherwise); the only thing we are lacking is the time to put them all into practice. Hope you will stick with us through this journey, as you’ve been so kind to us so far. You can click like and subscribe and we are always happy to read your comments and suggestions.
Lots of love,
Lovely post!! <3 The book looks even more magical with those stars. 😀 It's really awesome that you decided to join youtube. ^_^