It’s All About That Beret

It’s All About That Beret

If you could have an alternative version of yourself and put it into a book, what would that story be like? Would it be a Victorian romance novel or maybe a dystopian adventure? Mine would totally be a steampunk dystopian fairytale. Haha it sounds so great, I wonder why I didn’t think of this ages ago? Of course I would be the main character and I would be brave and fearless (exactly the opposite of the scaredy-cat I really am) . I’d also have a truly amazing skill (a magic ability would be perfect) , I’d wear incredible outfits and I’d rock some unique hair colors (I’m thinking of a Ramona Flowers kind of transformation). So yeah, basically I am pretty delusional and my imagination tends to get all over the place. Welcome to my life!

On another note, as you could have probably figured it out by now, I am a little obsessed with berets. So imagine my utter delight when I saw that this year’s A/W collections confirmed that the beret is in for a great comeback. I guess that means my masterplan of owning one in every color will be complete ( insert Mandark laughter here).






Atmosphere Rain Coat/ Whistles denim skirt/ Stradivarius heels

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