Keep Calm and Don’t Blink
If you didn’t know this by now, I am an anglophile in a geeky kind of way. So my total addiction to the Doctor Who series came natural *love you David Tennant*.When in London, on one of the slighty warmer days, before the depressing weather period, I dared to go out as a true fan and embrace the English spirit with all my being (even if that meant wearing no tights). Bye bye now, I’m going to watch “The Angels Take Manhattan”. Cheers!
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Love the outfit,but the post reminds me of Charlies
Remember how much we fangirled over thig guy?! <3
Speak for yourself in the past tense! I still love him! :)) He is brilliant <3
i love this!
that bag is so cute, in fact your entire outfit is gorgeous!
You’re so pretty! I simply love this look and your new hair color or to be more exact…the new hair colors! 🙂
you look great in this, pencil skirts really suit you! love the pics and the new hair and, ofc, London 🙂
I just simply adore your hair and the shirt!! Great look 😉
Love this look on you lovely, the print on the t-shirt is fabulous with the polka dot pencil skirt and such a fabulous metallic satchel.
Eda ♥
Candyfloss Curls, Cupcakes & Couture
Love the collar, and love your heels. 🙂
Wonderful new hair style, and gorgoeu combination.
You look gorgeous! Love the collar and the bag! You have a great blog! I’d love if you checked out my blog, and if you like it, can we follow each other on GFC and Bloglovin’? I promise I’ll follow you back <3
“Saúde & Beleza – Health & Beauty”
Perfect look – these are totally your forms and colors! *.*
I’m following you now. 😀 If you want, you can find me on:
Lots of love! <3
Very cute! The collar puts everything together 🙂
Lovely look and I love your hair 🙂
Imi place mult culoarea parului tau!!!
Ps: take a look to my GIVEAWAY
You look so awesome! This look is my favourite so far!
Lovely hair!
omg, everything about this outfit is so cute and perfect <3
tardis! I love your shirt, it is too cute. Just found your blog, I have a partner blog too, with my best friend 🙂
Great post !
Love your outfit!!
A blog like this should definitely be followed so here I am 🙂
Stop by mine when you have the time!!
Tricoul e foarte chic si vine perfect cu acest colier!
Thank you so much for visiting my blog and for your lovely comment!
Maybe we follow each other !?
Just let me know 🙂
P.S. You look amazing!
love this look so much. i adore the bag and pants 😀
xx m
You look gorgeous! LOVE the peter pan collar! Where did you buy it ?
The collar is from New Look.