Keep calm and save the redheads
Really fun photoshoot today. We know, the backdrops aren’t the prettiest, but it’s all we were able to find :P. Also, much appreciation for the great weather and our friend who took the pictures!

Sandra is wearing: thrifted skirt, Dad’s sweater, Mulberry for Target
extra-tiny mini bag, F21overknee socks and ring and DIY pom-pom headband
(tutorial here).
Eve is wearing: thrifted dress, bag from
here,F21 accessories and shoes.
Special thanks to Vlad, who took these awesome pics.
♥ S.& E. ♥
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You are both so beautiful and the photos look great!! However took them, make them do it again :):):) I love the outfits, the location, the attitude!
And how did you make that pompon?? L-am vazut aseara pe lookbook si mi s-a parut ca seamana foarte mult cu cele dintr-o prezentare recenta de la Sonia Rykiel, do share!
Ah deci era de inspiratie de Sonia Rykiel bentita! Arata foarte de efect in parul tau, so I’ll give it a shot and let you know!
You both look so beautiful! That pom-pom is crazy! love E`s shoes!
You both are so lovely and chic. Hyped for sure. I was so excited when I was your knee high socks because I thought you bought it from here and I wanted to ask you what’s the name of the store but then I saw they are from forever21.
Caut de ceva vreme sosete inalte ca ale tale, pe negru sau gri si nu gasesc nicaieri. Ai idee unde as putea gasi?
U girls take the most amazing photos. u have great photographers. and i love both your styles. i think i’ve already told u both how i am in love with your blog. i’m very picky with the blogs i add to my insiprational list but you girls just awesome.
These shots are so cute! I love your outfits especially the simple black outfit and those polka dot heels! Just found your blog and I’m loving it already 🙂
Love love love E’s F21 shoes! And the pictures are amazing!May i know what camera do you use and what kind of lenses, pleaseeeeee?:D
Gorgeous style! Great photos and post!
Thank you, girls, we really appreciate your comments.
LOVE these photos! you girls have some awesome style! As a fellow red head i salute you 🙂 xlol x
:))))))))))))))))))))))) Sorry, tocmai am observat ce aveti scris deasupra spatiului pt lasat comentarii. I think they do.
Multumesc mult pt informatii, da, nici eu nu as avea incredere in cele din revista, o sa incerc la Zara.
These pics are amazing, as is your style! I just stumbled across your blog and love it already – my boyfriend and I have a joint blog too 🙂
Sally from Louder Than Silence x
Your both soo bautifull !!
i would love it if you could check out my blog and follow !!
Cuuuutee outfits and I love the pics.
My fav item is the fluffy hat Sonia Rykiel type
jealous of the shoes – lovely pics xxx
So I just stumbled on your blog and can I say that after going back a few pages I am already hooked and completely in love with it? Not only are both your styles incredible, but hey, de cate ori mai gasesc roscate (si chiar doua deodata!) in blogosfera? 🙂
I wish I could chose just one item I love, but the problem is that I love every little thing about both outfits!
I will definitely be checking back soon.
(And to answer your question: of course unicorns exist, they live with the wizards :D)