Autumn’s Remains

Autumn’s Remains

I know the landscape has changed quite a lot since a couple of weeks ago, when I took these photos, but I had to post them before going full-winter style :P. This is what I wore to the V for Vintage Fair; this silk dress is actually one of my favourite vintage dresses. And I really really like this pair of velvet booties, that I’m sad I didn’t have the chance to wear more. Unfortunately, they’re going to have to wait until spring.

Anyway, not much to say today, other that we have some amazing photos we took this weekend that we cannot wait to show you. We are also planning on writing a Christmas wishlist post and maybe also a post with book recommendations for the holidays. Let us know what you think!

V for Vintage outfit (53).JPG_effected V for Vintage outfit (18) V for Vintage outfit (13).JPG_effected V for Vintage outfit (10) V for Vintage outfit (44).jpg_effected

 I’m wearing: a vintage silk dress, vintage bag and gloves from my grandma, H! by Henry Holland coat, Zign velvet booties, my new favourite pair of earrings c/o Miss Babacilu; Photos by Laura <3

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