Leather skirt and denim shirt

Leather skirt and denim shirt

You seriously cannot go wrong with the leather skirt and denim shirt combo (or leather & denim in general). Of course, I had to adapt it to my style, which means that the skirt had to be mid length and flared.  Incredibly (or not) the weather was almost too hot for this outfit, but I’m not complaining. Yesterday was a perfect early autumn day and what other way to spend it than by taking a walk in Grădina Botanică, that you already know is may perfect piece of paradise in Bucharest. Back to the outfit: I’d say you can easily make it work for colder days, just by adding a pair of tights, some cute booties and a warm jacket.

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 Have an amazing week, girls!

sig S

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  1. Dorina

    Foarte frumoasa combinatia si intr-adevar nu poti da gres cu ea 🙂
    Imi place mult si locatia, visez de mult timp sa facem si noi niste poze acolo. Sper sa ajungem toamna asta! 🙂
    Te pup! :*

  2. Pink Wish

    Si eu ador combinatia asta si cred ca oricine ar trebui sa o incerce macar o data! Fotografiile sunt superbe ca de obicei si locatia este minunata, va fi si mai frumoasa peste cateva saptamani, de abia astept sa o vizitez <3

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