LouLou Event

LouLou Event

The LouLou Fashion show was one of the loveliest events we’ve been invited to lately. All the details were perfect, from the dresses, to the location, decorations and food. We had a genuinely good time and we are looking forward more events like this one. Hopefully, the photos will speak for themselves. Enjoy!

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sig se
P.S: De câte ori ai admirat ţinutele purtate de bloggerul favorit la diverse evenimente sau chiar în postările street style? Create de designeri români, internaţionali, cumpărate de la magazinele favorite high street sau piese vintage, articolele vestimentare ale bloggerilor, care te-au inspirat de nenumărate ori atunci când ai fost în lipsă de idei, te aşteaptă să le descoperi la Bloggers’ Yard Sale! Duminică, 31 Martie, la Luna Cafe & Bistro!



(Visited 190 times, 1 visits today)


  1. Anaivilo

    Aaaaa! Imi vine sa dau naibii toata dieta mea, am vazut macarons si cupcakes aici si mor! :((
    And so many pretty dresseeeeess!! <3
    You both looked lovely, the hat is adorable and Eve, your pants are just outstanding! 😀


    omg what amazing dresses! feel like in princess party! you look great, fantastic flower jacket!

    i’m so happy that i found your blog! i follow & i’m going to visit you often sweeties 🙂

    xoxo, aneciawashere.blogspot.com

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