Macarons T-shirt

Macarons T-shirt


En: You’ve probably read in our previous post about our collaboration with Tshirt-factory. After Eve, now it is my turn to present to you my lovely tee. I had already decided I’d love to have some kind of sweets printed on it and after lots of trials, involving donuts, cupcakes and macarons, I finally chose this design, which is actually one of my photos. I figured the powdered colors would look great on white and the tee would be perfect for dressing up or down.
Ro: Dragi iepurași galactici, a venit rândul meu să vă prezint minunatul tricou de la Tshirt-factory. De când am auzit de posibilitatea de a crea tricouri personalizate m-am tot gândit la un design potrivit pentru mine. Și ce aș fi putut alege dacă nu dulciuri: gogoși, cupcakes, macarons..ah, atâtea posibilități. Până la urmă am ales o fotografie de-a mea cu niste macarons pastelate, am selectat modelul de tricou (Continental N95) și în două zile am primit pachetul. Deja aveam o idee de outfit, iar tricoul cu macarons a picat la fix. Mi-a plăcut mult materialul, e fin, un pic transparent, iar imprimeul e de foarte bună calitate. Pentru mai multe modele de tricouri puteți intra pe site-ul tshirt-factory.

Tricou Macarons T-Shirt Factory (1)

Tricou Macarons T-Shirt Factory (4)

Tricou Macarons T-Shirt Factory (2)

Tricou Macarons T-Shirt Factory (6)

Tricou Macarons T-Shirt Factory (5)

I’m wearing: H&M accessories and plimsolls, Oasap bag and a lovely mint tutu c/o DinoDirect.
sig S
PS: Check out my new features, on The Style Line and Style and the City
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  1. Alice

    Ti se potriveste perfect! Imi place ca ai combinat culorile pastelate & all the sweet stuff cu accesoriul de ureche rock & bad!
    Eu cred ca as fi ales pentru tricou o poza cu mine muscand dintr-un hamburger! 😀


  2. Chezka

    This is an adorable look, love the macarons top and the maxi skirt! I have a similar one 🙂 following you now, hope to see you on my blog sometimes 🙂

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