New Year’s Resolutions
With the start of a new year come new resolutions. The beautiful memories and the bad times must be left behind to make room for new beginnings. There are many things that I have learned and experienced this past year and most of them not so merry. However, I am positive that everything has a purpose and there are lessons to be learned, such as not to make the same mistakes again or take things for granted.
Without further ado, I give to you my New Year’s Resolutions:
1. Read more ( with great shame I must admit that I managed to read only a number of 5 books in the past year, so I have plenty to catch up to);
2. Buy more books and less clothes. Let’s face it: this beautiful edition of Emma is a must purchase, don’t you think ?
3. Better time management ( I solemnly swear to try not to be so late this year!);
4. Spend more time with my friends and family;
5. Dedicate myself more to the blog and everything it involves.

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Love pictures, Eve! I especially like the closeup portrait where we can see your makeup 🙂 Hope you can make all your resolutions happen this year!
Cat de frumoase sunt pozele, dar si rezolutiile propuse <3
Iti doresc sa ti se indeplineasca toate dorintele si sa reusesti sa-ti duci la capat toate planurile!!!
love your make-up and I just loooved the book, like all of Jane Austen`s novels <3
Si eu vreau sa citesc mai mult anul acesta si sa postez mai des pe blog 🙂
E superba cartea, arata exact cum ar trebui sa arate o carte de Jane Austen 🙂
Te pup! :*
Oh boy, that book edition is amazing! It looks so classy and just the way it should be!
Also great dress and you know, I also made a resolution, to read as many books as possible, I hope I will keep that.
Beautiful pictures! Love your make-up!