(Our) Make-up box

(Our) Make-up box

Recently we realized that we haven’t really published a post dedicated to make-up until now. I must admit that neither of us is very proficient when it comes to make-up and we don’t even own a ton of products. What’s important to us is a great foundation (or BB cream during summer) to make the skin appear impeccable, a good eyeliner, blush and lipstick. And the occasional highlighter. We can’t do anything more complicated than apply eyeliner, so we’ve always admired those girls who can create amazing eye make-up using eye shadow in tons of different colours. However, we DO love nail polish. As you’ve probably noticed along the way: the crazier, the better.
The products in this post are mostly new (we went a little crazy in Boots while in London..we blame it on their buy 1 get 2nd half price), but they’ve quickly become all-time favourites. I can proudly say we’ve made some great choices!

       Must-haves for this autumn? Vaseline Lip Therapy (love their limited editions) and glitter nailpolish.
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