Outfit: the orange sweatshirt

Outfit: the orange sweatshirt

I know you may be wondering what’s with the sudden change of style and, most of all, what’s with this strange hairdo. Well, the thing is.. I can’t tell you exactly. After buying this sweatshirt and trying it on, I  thought of putting my hair up in double buns. At first, I figured it must be an odd 90’s reminiscence of some sort and just went with it, not giving it second thought. However, when I was editing the photos, it dawned on me! I had unconsciously channeled one of Usagi’s looks in the original Sailor Moon anime! I swear that, somehow, that image was embedded in my brain and it just happened to resurface, triggered by  this orange H&M sweatshirt. I don’t know, I guess my mind has its own ways. What I can tell you is that Sailor Moon may have had a much bigger impact on me than I would’ve thought. Seriously, this is not the first time something like this happened to me. I’ll tell you more about this with some other occasion, I promise! In the mean time, I’ll leave you with these photos,  hoping you’ll not be too shocked :))

orange _h&m_sweater_lace-up_heeled_boots (1)

orange _h&m_sweater_lace-up_heeled_boots (4)

orange _h&m_sweater_lace-up_heeled_boots (5)

orange _h&m_sweater_lace-up_heeled_boots (6)

H&M_lace-up_heeled_boots (8)


 I’m wearing H&M boots & sweater,  Marks & Spencer jeggings, Nica bag


sig S

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  1. Oteea

    ^_^ I can see the resemblance and I totally get the unconscious channeling of a look, it happens to me as well, some items just dictate a certain styling and then boom … the explanation for it suddenly springs to mind.

    I wouldn’t have pictured you in an orange sweatshirt, but I got to say you look great! Love the double buns and the boots ^_^

    Hugs & kisses,

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