A piece of home

A piece of home

It’s finally time for a new post! I know it’s long overdue and I apologize for our absence. We do hope we’ll be able to post more often from now on, as we’re not used to neglecting the blog for long periods of time. We’ve been super busy during the week and haven’t been able to meet during the weekend to take photos. This weekend I finally managed to take a few quick shots at my parents’ home. I was inspired by this book I’ve read, an anthology of  short stories about houses and homes and the roles they play in people’s lives… Some of the tales were heart-warming, others heart-breaking, funny, charming or painfully real and must say I thoroughly enjoyed this read and I highly recommend it. So I decided to show you my favourite corner in the house and the chair where I love to sit and lose myself in a good book for hours on end.

Daydreaming (5)

Daydreaming (6)

Daydreaming (7)

Daydreaming (3)

Daydreaming (1)

Daydreaming (2)

I’m wearing an H&M dress, a Depot 96 headband and Asos shoes

Daydreaming (8)

„Oare nu te simţi acasă în orice carte bună, adică liber şi în acelaşi timp ocrotit, niciodată supravegheat, dar în permanenţă vegheat? Din fericire, uşile cărţilor nu sunt încuiate. Nici chiar atunci când în carte se află case adevărate, cu uşi adevărate. Cititorului nu-i rămâne decât să le deschidă una câte una, să-şi lase grijile în prag şi, pur şi simplu, să se simtă peste tot şi unde vrea acasă.” (Ioana PÂRVULESCU)
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