Pierrot & la Lune

Pierrot & la Lune

Only after downloading the pictures did I realize that my outfit is Pierrot-inspired: from the collar to the pom-pom accessory & the crescent moon hair clip. I must have had this image somewhere in the back of my mind and this image subconsciously contributed to the creation of this outfit. And it’s an outfit that I’m super proud of, due to the fact that the main pieces (jeans & blouse) were super bargains that I was very lucky to find. I think I paid 30 lei for both of them, around the same sum I paid for the Asos hair clip. That’s actually kind of funny come to think about it.

All in all, I think it’s an appropriate look for the last day of summer: it has a touch of nostalgia and it also eases in some of the new fall trends.





I’m wearing Cheap Monday mom jeans, Zara sandals, vintage blouse, Asos moon hair clip, Le Specs Half Moon Magic sunglasses

sig S


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