Quietly, so as not to wake the butterflies
The hothouse air was warm and humid and thick with the smell of plants. Hundreds of butterflies flitted in and out of sight like short-lived punctuation marks in a stream of consciousness without beginning or end. Whenever she came in here, Aomame felt as if she had lost all sense of time. – Haruki Murakami, 1Q84
“Aerul din sera era cald si umed, incarcat de miresme. Fluturii se iteau din loc in loc, ca niste semne de punctuatie trecatoare intr-un flux al constiintei fara inceput si fara de sfarsit. De fiecare data cand intra in sera, Aomame simtea ca pierde notiunea timpului.” – Haruki Murakami, 1Q84
I felt that this quote goes perfectly with the concept of this post. I underlined it when I first read the book, as I thought it was a such a delicate and gracefully surreal image. As I was editing the photos, I suddenly remembered this quote and I couldn’t believe how well it fit.
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you look so elegant but also so beautiful here <3 .
i love all those photos, so inspiring!
So beautiful!
This pictures are so beatiful, elegant, precious…
Velvet Marina
Sandraaaaa, cum ai facut poze la acei fluturi? Unde erai? Sunt magnifice!!! O.O Oh, I am dying of too much beauty!
And yes, I’ve read the book, the images fit perfectly with that quote 🙂
Este o expozitie de fluturi exotici la Antipa :D. I loved it!
this is SO beautiful! exquisite photos
kw ladies in navy
Wowww, i love your outfit, i love that house, i love all the pictures… where did you found so many butterflies?
Am vazut deja ca ai spus unde i-ai gasit! Super!
These photos are out of a storybook, really beautiful and serene!
WOW these photos are seriously so beautiful! Very vintage looking! I love your stripe shirt with the skirt 🙂 xo
Beautiful photos! Love your look!
that’s so cool! great! 🙂
Hope to you have time to come into my blog, just
Have a nice day :)))
Adorable <3
Sunt extraordinare fotografiile…si tu arati minunat! Am aflat si eu despre aceasta expozitie acum ceva vreme, iar daca nu as fi avut o fobie legata de fluturi, as fi fost prima acolo. 😀
Those butterfly photos…. my they are stunning. And that quote is just so beautiful! xxx
Wow, the photos are stunning! And indeed, just after I read the quote, I realised how much your outfit reminds me of Aomame. The vintage Shimada suit is beautiful, too 🙂
Lots of love,
http://wingsforliberty.com/ (9 days left to join my giveaway!)
I love the shots of the butterflies! Very Pretty.
amazing pictures!
Thanks for taking the time to visit, have an awesome day!
Incredibly beautiful and stunning pictures, I adore butterflies.
Love so much this mix and pics :D…I think we should follow on GFC and Bloglovin’ ? I’m following you!
Kiss ♥
BecomingTrendy | Follow me on FB & Bloglovin’
I lack of words to say just how much I love this shoot 🙂
The fainted colors, your beautiful outfit, the butterflies, everything feels otherworldly 🙂
gorgeous! Absolutely gorgeous!
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Awesome! Love those photos! 🙂