Rebel Girl

Rebel Girl

Even if i’m an Aquarius and we’re supposed to have a rebellious side, I’ve never looked at myself as defiant by nature.  But now that I think of it, I’ve never liked to do things as everyone else just to be accepted in a group. I’ve always preferred to stand out from the crowd, be it by the clothes I wore, the music I listened to or anything else about my looks or manner of interpreting things. And although when I was growing up I sometimes felt afraid to take initiative and be outspoken when my views were not aligned to the views of the majority, there has always been a voice somewhere in the back of my mind pushing me to say exactly what I thought was right. In the meantime I grew up, I grew stronger and more confident, and as new challenges come my way and I try to approach them with a rebel spirit.

Something that I could have definitely benefitted from in this process is the book Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. Now even if it’s marketed more towards a younger audience, I found myself completely enthralled by these stories immediately after I started reading it. There are 100 tales of extraordinary girls/ women (of various ages, ethnicities, backgrounds), some more well-known than others, but all of them passionate and fearless. I’ve learned many new names & biographical details – there are tales of queens and astronauts,  writers and pirates, activists and explorers, scientists, athletes and many more.

Goodnight stories Rebel Girls
This book made me eager to learn even more about the life stories of these amazing women and inspired me to nurture the rebel within.

Goodnight stories Rebel Girls 2

So what do you think are the traits of a rebel girl? In my mind, it’s about being a pioneer, an innovator, stepping out of the line and changing the world around you and even doing something out-of-the ordinary to challenge yourself without caring too much what the world thinks Like taking photos in the Botanical Garden, on a crowded weekend, wearing a kimono& velvet slippers, ignoring the onlookers . Or skydiving for the first time, but more about that in a future post.

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I’m wearing: Zara kimono & pants, H&M velvet slides & Good Night stories for Rebel Girls via Books Express
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  1. Lola

    Aaaaaa, what a pretty kimono and video! I love it, as always, you two have this fairytale like atmosphere in all your photos and videos 🙂
    The book sounds so inspiring, I need to check it out 😉

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