The Season of the Rose
It's the time that you spent on your rose that makes your rose so important… People have forgotten this truth, but you mustn't forget it. You become responsible forever for...
Yet another walk in the park => another outfit post. This incredibly warm weather makes me feel like we’ll skip winter and fall right into spring. Not that I’d hate that :P. It’s been a busy week and I’m happy that it’s finally over and I am able to relax a little.
Oh, and I have a question. Do you prefer more pics and less talk, or should we write a bit more? What suggestions do you have?
These colors mesmerize! <3
Amazing pictures! I love your skirt, the print is darling.:D
Have a great weekend!:D
***** Marie *****
You look great, love how the color of your hair matches the leaves and you’re right, I wouldn’t mind if we skip winter either.
Ai fost in Herastrau? Legat de intrebarea ta, eu una prefer sa vad mai multe poze in general pe blog-uri, dar stiu ca nu ies mereu pozele cum ne dorim si atunci ne gandim sa ne revansam prin scris. Eu una ma abtin sa vb f mult pe blog pt ca stiu ca oamenii trec de cele mai multe ori direct la poze si apoi la comment, ceea ce nu ma deranjeaza, dar e destul de neplacut sa adresezi o intrebare in post si nimeni sa nu remarce. Dar daca ai ceva de spus, ar trebui sa faci asta, pana la urma cine vrea sa citeasca, citeste, cine nu, trece peste.
Oh dear, you look stunning: the hair, the outfit, the colors and the photos, everything is mesmerizing, I really have no words to say how much I like it. I love the fact that you post so many photos as they are so incredibly beautiful all the time, as for the text I think whatever you want to write is enough for me:)Kisses
Gorgeous photos and colors as always!! Love your hair color! 😀 It’s nice to say what you were feeling the moment you took the photos, I always tend to understand the person in that way, or not, it depends.
As usual,gorgeous photography, lots of creativity and lovely clothing♥ About your question…i only have a sentence to say: “a picture is worth a thousand words”:) And your pictures are clearily worth it!
i love the pictues soo much :D!
and your outfit really represents autumn 🙂
Clever, the way your hair matches the leaves. Beautiful park, lucky lass. Have a nice weekend ladies. xo d
The photos are great, but my vote goes to more words, as well.
Thank you very much for the comments and for the answers, girls. I really appreciate it. In the future I’ll try to.. let’s say.. express myself more through words, as well.
@Laura: Da, in Herastrau..era supeeerb :D. Anyway, you’re right. If I have anything to say I’ll say it, and if people want, they’ll read it, and if not, they’ll just enjoy the pics :P.
Hi! This pics are really wonderful! I especially love the colours and the one of your hair.
I think you should write what you feel at the moment… I mean, write when you want to and post more pics when you want it too.
I love your blog, and keep up all the pictures, way better than writing!
Oh, and the camera quality is amazing, WOW!
I love this time of year, I did some photos too!
Wow wow wow the colors! And your hair looks amazingly perfect too.
the quality of your pictures are amazing, they are brilliant, you look amazing. Your hair is stunning. wow.
I’m now following your blog 🙂
check out mine if you ever have spare time?
omg i really like the scenery and all your photos! your have a nice blog dear, and your outfit is just so lovely!! <3 youre so stunning! love love love!
Amazingly Beautiful! Love the colours!
WOW.. your photos left me speechless.. Loved your style and you poses for the camera..
Amazing outfit.
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want to link each other? 🙂
I’m inlove with the pictures! The colors are so autumnal!! The skirt is so beautiful!!
OMG sandra u blew me away with these photos. did eve take them? the colours are stunning. the outft is beeautiful and so is your hair. the angles are amazing. seriously plss next summer i need u to take my photos. u are a creative genius. i show your blog to everyone i know because i am so obssessed with it.
so beautiful x hivennn.
Beautiful pictures! I love the color, and I love your haircut!
vos photos sont toujours sublimes. C’est un vrai plaisir de parcourir votre blog 🙂