Sakura Fairy
It’s been more than 7 years since we started experimenting with the wonderful world of photography. We evolved little by little, with every crazy idea that we had to put in practice. After some years serving as models for each other and different photo courses and cameras, we began taking photos of our friends and family and then decided to share our work with you guys and begin this blog.
This new project is something very dear to us, that we have been dreaming for a while and never had the guts to give it a go. The photos are the first form The Fairies Series and is entitled: The Sakura Fairy. Being our first major project involving a team we would love to know your opinion about it.

We feel like this is finally the perfect timing, so no more throwbacks. It’s been a long road but we are positive about the future. Thank you all for supporting us so far and we hope you will be with us in this new journey.

Photography/editing and styling: Sandra and Evelina
Model: Diana
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the photos are absolutely stunning! good luck, girls on this wonderful adventure!
Wow!! The pictures are amazing! A true photo shoot and stunning work with the editing and styling! Please make a giveaway where we can win a photo shoot like this one!
Kisses Deea,
The Lovely Darlings
Wow girls! You did an AMAZING job! I was already in love with your photos and I am dying to see more and more! They are absolutely gorgeous! Good luck with your new project!
The Lovely Darlings
Absolutely stunning!
Great colours and atmosphere 🙂
Congratulations girls!!! <3
The concept, the styling, the editing is absolutely perfect and imagine it is only a step towards a bright and beautiful future. Nothing can quite compare to the feeling you get when you’re finally pursuing your dreams.
Good luck with everything and we want to see more fairies <3
God, that headband is gorgeous!
kw ladies in navy
very beautiful! cute idea!
Lovely photos! <3 Great job! Congrats! 😀
c’est magnifique filles ! j’adore les photos
Sunteti foarte talentate! Felicitari, dragelor!
Aww super pretty photos!
amazing photos!! 🙂
when i check the photos i’m not sure if it’s a normal world or fairy tale <3
Love the whole dreamy mood of this photo series! Definitely something you girls should continue 🙂
That dress is absolutely stunning
Maya – Archistas
Arata extraordinar fotografiile! De fapt, intregul concept e extraordinar!
Felicitari tuturor celor implicati in proiect! 🙂
you guys just had done it really really well!c: they’re all looking flawless like you have concerned the detail so much. 🙂
I love those pictures!!! Look amazing..