

Most of the times I wish I found a crystal ball for all the days when I feel completely worthless. I promise to you that I’d use all its magic for good and I wouldn’t take it for granted. Instead, I would have some memories for those days when I don’t feel anything. At least, I know, they would remind me not to make the same mistakes again.*
The Lost Hero
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*inspired by the lyrics of Paramore

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P.S: You can watch a little behind-the-scenes clip here.

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  1. Silvia Herself

    I love the coat! No details about the book?

    P.S. Ar fi super util pentru toate bloggeritele care iti lasa commenturi sa ai si optiunea Name/URL cum e mai peste tot, ca mie de exemplu nu imi place sa folosesc contul asta de google pt lasat commenturi. Sau sa iti instalezi Disqus, recomand! 🙂

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