Somewhere in Neverland
This photos were taken a while back, in September more precisely, in the gardens of Windsor Palace. The scenery was magical and the light had a certain something that made everything surreal and fairytale-ish. This was also the first time that I got to wear my precious red velvet boots. Click read more, because we have a surprise for you at the end of this post.

Dragele noastre, avem o surpriza pentru voi. Aveti ocazia sa participati alaturi de noi la un private show al noii colectii STACCATO. Brandul de pantofi STACCATO este recent intrat pe piata romaneasca. Designerii STACCATO, impreuna cu Ground Zero, casa de moda londoneza a fratilor Eri&Philip Chu, au creat o colectie inedita, inspirata din roialitatea britanica, combinand feminitatea cu elemente glamour foarte indraznete. Mai mult, veti primi vouchere in valoare de 50 RON. Seara va fi una draguta, relaxata, veti putea admira colectia si o sa avem si ceva dulce sa ne rasfatam.
Primele dintre voi care ne vor contacta vor intra in posesia voucherelor si a invitatiei propriu zise. Asteptam astfel mesajele voastre pe adresa noastra de mail: pentru a va oferi mai multe detalii cu privire la locatie si ora.

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The swansssssss!!!! I love them! <3
And I love you both 🙂
Imi plaaace atat de mult !! M-au tentat si pe mine ghetele astea, dar mi-am luat unele de cauciuc in schimb!! Imi plac foarte mult oricum !! <3
oh god, that lighting really was beautiful. that snapshot you took of the swans was very fairytale like 🙂 and i’m OBSESSED with those velvet shoes!! they’re so awesome and different
You are super lovely, love your style. Love the leopard dress with that cameo in the neck
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Sunteti foarte dragute amandoua, iar pozele sunt superbe!
Oh you look so lovely my dear! And I love the shoooessss!! O.O I knew they would fit you perfectly!:D
The leopard print and purple beret are perfect together!
Eda ♥
Candyfloss Curls, Cupcakes & Couture
Purple with a Marigold Leopard dress!! So cute!
With Love From Hollywood,
Fashion Addict
**Julep Maven Giveaway!**
lovely pictures <3 I always love your blog! 🙂
sweet and sugars,
You are so pretty!Love this photos!
The Fashion Heels
The swans gathered around to take a look at how gorgeous you are, Eve.
I am a little jealous, I admit. You get to visit London for 2 weeks (again) and you don’t look like tourists at all. You have the London look!
Many hugssssss ^ _ ^
Lovely look and photos! 🙂
oh my god. this post is just my favourite post of the week! seriously. you look so damn amazing, no you look PERFECT, no you look more than perfect <3 just wow. i love every little piece of this outfit!
lovely! I used to have such a beret and it was super cute 🙂
Those shoes are wonderful :))
nice outfit!! :))) i love it 🙂
great swan photo too! heee~
anyway, visit my blog too and follow?
xoxo. :3
You girls are the dream -iest ever! <3
Your leopard print dress is amazing! I just love the bright purple beret paired with it. So gorgeous.