Strawberry Avalanche
Sorry guys for the lack of an outfit post but the deadline for my final paper is due at the end of this week and until then it’s just work, coke, work, and a little treat. Have a delicious week!
This is a world of dreams and reverie
Where I felt the stars explode around me
If you were a beautiful sound
In the echoes all around
Then I’d be your harmony
And we’d sing along with the crowds
Beneath the candy coated clouds
A strawberry avalanche, please crash over me
Strawberry Avalanche – Owl City
(Visited 158 times, 1 visits today)
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yummy. good luck with your paper!
I love strawberry!
The pictures are cute
loving strwaberry pics, so colorful
following for sure, check me out at
Ce pofta de cola mi-ati facut…si capsuni! :((
Good luck with you paper dear! Hope to see you both very soon.
Good luck with your exams Sandra, hope you’ll get an A +
Love Cola and strawberries, lovely pictures.
Hope to see you and Eve this weekend at the Absolutely Fabulous fair.
Bafta multa! Sunt convinsa ca o sa fii pe sistem si o sa treci foarte bine peste hopul asta:P
Ma duc sa bag niste capsuni ca prea mi-ai facut pofta:))
YUMMY! Good luck with your finals!
I think this is a very good combination: coke and strawberries, i totally love it 🙂
I love these photos – fresh summer strawberries are the best, and good luck!
Cata pasiune pui in posturile tale de ies atat de minunate 😀 :))
foarte reusite si mai ales inspirationale pozele astea… mi-am propus ca de acum inainte sa dau si eu mai multa importanta pozelor pe care le postez pe blog… adica sa le lucrez mai mult, sa mizez mai mult pe cum le pozez decat pe ce pozez.
bafta la examen!!