Sweets etc.
Are you prepared for a sugar overdose? I’m sorry if the abundance of powdery pink hurts your eyes :P. This is a part of the presents I got from St Nicholas, ’cause I’ve been SUCH a good kid :).

Fluffy lace-up boots, I can face winter now, without fear.
Lots of candy, ’cause he knows I have a sweet tooth..
The perfect outfit for the occasion: pink tutu from F21, Noa Noa Dior-inspired sweater (DIY coming soon), DIY necklace and Nina Ricci bag that I bough for myself.

Lovely ring I won in
Sandra’s giveaway, cute backback won in
Cecille’s giveaway (Eve kindly donated it to me :P), and DIY pom-pom necklace/scarf.
What can I say, I’m just looking forward to Christmas.
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You are so lucky, you won 2 give aways and you got so many presents from Saint Nick. It means it pays off to be a good kid, I should try it sometimes, because I would die for a pink tutu.
Happy Holidays, can’t wait to see you wearing all of these.
So many beautiful presents, love them all. I’m sure you deserved everything, I especially love the pink skirt, fluffy boots and clutch!:)
It seems you’ve been a good girl! Lovely presents! Bomboanele arata asa delicios <3 awwwwww presupun ca au fost foarte bune :))
Ma bucur tare mult ca iti place inelul ! sa il porti cu placere 😀 hihihi
PS: show us the pom-pom diy! it looks so cute!
mniom mniom miami
so so cute
Awww…that is so cute! I love the boots and the photos are so cool! 😀
Awww, how cute is that skirt?:X I love it! And those sweets make me drool! 😀
♥ kisses ♥
O dar ai fost o norocoasa sa primesti dulciurile alea minunate, cred ca le-ai savurat cu placere dupa cum arata :)). Bravo pt ca ai fost cuminte si mosul nu te-a uitat.
la mine nu a venit mos nicolae. defapt nu a mai venit de cam vreo 12 ani. 🙁 tin minte cand eram mica in romania iam scris un biletel intrebadul daca e adevarat. si a doua zi dimineata era un bilet inapoi de la el ( obviously maica mea la scris) in care imi zicea ca este si ca sa am mai multe credinta sau ceva din genul asta. lam luat la scoala si lam arata la toata lumea. numai puteam de bucurie ca mos nicolae mia scris mie personal un biletel. hahaha
btw de unde ti-ai luat the nina ricci bag?
I’m hosting my first giveaway and you’re ivited to take a look ! kisses
Really nice goodies!! I especially like the boots.
Forever 21 is really stepping up their game.
Have a Merry Christmas dear. xo d
I am so jealous! 🙂 Such a amazing pieces.
And what a cute outfit!
Hey, great presents..de unde sunt luate ghetutele? sunt perfecte pentru vremea de afara..Hugs :*
@Ral: ghetutele sunt de la Deichmann 🙂
I have the same boots 🙂 Fluffy and warm.
Bine v-am gasit!