The cherry blossoms x Giveaway

The cherry blossoms x Giveaway

Whenever I am faced with making choices I find it hard to confine my decision to only one variant. Being a Libra makes it even harder at times because it is common knowledge that we are the most indecisive sign  of the zodiac.
Many times I discover that the things I used to love and felt almost certain about, slowly slide away from my mind mostly because they become too mainstream. I know that sounds so hipster-ish of me, but that’s the way I function. It goes from my choices of clothing, the music I listen to and everything in between. You would hardly ever see me at the trendiest party, coolest club or the most talked about concert. I resent the moments when certain things that have been a part of me become all of the sudden popular overnight, and people that yesterday were like “that is so weird, I don’t like it”, suddenly become intoxicated by this new trend and turn its beauty into something foul.
But enough of this, and let’s all be positive and happy because it’s finally my favourite season and there’s beauty everywhere you look.
Cherry blossom
Cherry blossom
Asos dress/ Vintage cardigan/ necklace find similar HERE

sig e

And now a little surprise for our Romanian readers.

Avem o surpriza pentru voi pentru ca stim cat de mult iubiti colierele. Am pregatit un giveaway cu acest minunat colier de la RINGS&TINGS


Tot ce aveti de facut este sa urmati acesti pasi simpli:
1)   Like la pagina de facebook THE HEARABOUTS / pagina de Bloglovin’ THE HEARABOUTS;
2)   Comentariu, cu numele vostru si adresa de mail , in care sa precizati ca ati urmat toti pasii;
De asemenea, pentru o sansa in plus, puteti da share la postarea de pe facebook sau puteti mentiona concursul pe blog . Concursul se incheie luni, 31 martie, iar castigatoarea va fi anuntata marti, pe 1 aprilie. Good luck, girls!
(Visited 252 times, 1 visits today)


  1. The Hearabouts

    I was eagerly awaiting for this post, it encapsulates the best of spring and you look so feminine and so delicate amongst the spring blossoms <3 I cannot take so much beauty!

    I don’t normally enter giveaways but I couldn’t resist the thought of that necklace ^_^

    I followed all the steps:

    Have a beautiful week!

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