The Fall Blues

The Fall Blues


I wish I had taken more pics, but my camera battery died in the middle of the photoshoot. It was my fault, actually, ’cause I’d forgotten to charge it. Oh well, better luck next time.

Oh, and I want to adopt Agnes.And her unicorn, too. 😀

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  1. Ioana Liliana Gheorghe

    Si eu am fost asa fericita cand mi-a venit tricoul! (l-am comandat de aici, acum vad ca nu-l mai au, insa tot au atatea asa de cool) In legatura cu Anne Rice, ea chiar a publicat multe romane ( destul de dark intr-adevar, insa incercat macar unul. iar filmul, continui sa-l recomand din toate inima! macar pentru imagine si filmare, e wow!

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