The Fox and the Star

The Fox and the Star

There are books that tell a story in hundreds of pages and then there are books that only need few words and beautiful illustrations to make for an unforgettable tale.
I knew I wanted this book, from the moment I first saw the video Coralie Bickford-Smith on The Fox and the Star, sometime back in 2015. The video presented the process behind the design and creation of this story. I was intrigued by this book, because the author is in fact a cover designer at Penguin, who has done a lot of the covers we all know and love, for the past 15 years.
I think that when someone finally gets the chance and the freedom to create a book they have always dreamed of, you know that it is going to be a book to remember.
Although it is more of a children’s tale, The Fox and the Star by Coralie Bickford-Smith is a spectacular beautiful book in and out. You know I am a sucker for great illustrations and I truly believe that most of the times an image is worth a thousand words. And please let’s not forget the obvious: it is a story about a Fox and a Star – and we all know that means gold by my standards.

You can find the English version of the book HERE and the Romanian version HERE
The Fox and the Star
The Fox and the Star
The Fox and the Star
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