Time for an Adventure

Time for an Adventure

Retro and alternative clothing in general has always played an important part in my style’s evolution. I have always been inspired and secretly admiring all those pretty ladies with their colorful and out of the ordinary looks. Not following the trends and being yourself no matter what is what this is all about. If you are an introvert like myself and find rather difficult to express your personality through anything else but your clothes, than look no further than Sourpuss Clothing. This is not a store for the light hearted or for the conventional people. It is mainly for people who like to add a little sparkle and fun in their life. So if you are in search for a new adventure fashion wise give them a go and be amazing.

Retro GirlRetro Mermaid
Time for an adventureRetro Mermaid
Sourpuss cardigan and parasol, Zara shoes, Primark skirt

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