Tracing patterns across a personal map
My dear Romanian readers, are you excited for the following days? I know I am. Plenty of time to read and procrastinate in front of the TV *insert happy face here*. Those of you already following me on
Instagram, know that I began reading the famous Divergent series. Although I am more than halfway through, I’m still not sure if I love it or not. I am having mixed feelings about the book and the main plot mostly because in my head I am still comparing it to the epic Hunger Games series (really you guys, there was serious drama happening there 24/7). Nevertheless I am still hoping that Divergent will have some major plot-twist in the end, or else I am going to be utterly disappointed. So whether you are celebrating the 1st of May at home or at the seaside/ mountains, have fun and let there be sun! P.S.: I’m thinking of starting to read the Mortal Instruments for a change. Any thoughts?
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Vai, pozele sunt minunate, iar tinuta de vis <3
Love your blog girls :*
Multumim! :*
Oh the Divergent series definitely has a twist at the end and in the last book in general. I enjoyed it!
Also you look so pretty here in your floral pants and loose fitting top. So spring-y and cute.
the second I saw the Divergent movie trailer, I thought Hunger Games. I didn’t read any of the books, but for your sake I hope it turns out to be an exciting twist ending 🙂
on another note, these shots are wonderful, I love how the color of your hair looks with those flowers.
Se pare ca ai tras o fuga in Paradis ♥
these photos are so beautiful <3 i love the shade of violet!
I’m curious to read Divergent too!
Love the outfit and the place where you took the pics! It looks like a fairy tale! <3
Ce culori frumoase! Mereu când intru la voi pe blog mă pierd pentru minute bune pentru că de abia îmi vine să dau scroll când văd ce poze frumoase aveți! x
Vă pup,
Mulțumim! Ne bucurăm mult să auzim asta !
Nom nom nom, the pants are so delicious! <3
Never read the series, it didn’t attract me that much, but hopefully you will find it interesting and mind blowing in the end : )
Stunning pictures, as always <3 Hope you had a great May 1st!