V for Vintage Fair – Flower Power

V for Vintage Fair – Flower Power

As we all know, this spring, everything in the fashion world revolves around colors, flowers, bold prints and beautiful retro clothes. All of these were present in abundance at the V for Vintage Fair – Flower Power edition. We were happy to attend this event (although it was a little overwhelming – there were sooo many people). We managed to snap a few detail shots in order to capture the atmosphere at the fair.










The highlight of the day was definitely meeting lovely fellow bloggers (most of them for the first time).

Us with Alice and Laura. We got to spend the entire afternoon with her and we must say we had a great time. You can see some extra pics on Laura’s blog.

Fab trio: Denisa, Costin and Alice .

It was so awesome meeting all of them (we also met the lovely Ioana – Fashezine and chatted for a few minutes, not quite enough :P). So we are really looking forward to seeing them again, and other bloggers as well.

We have some more pictures from yesterday (more detailed ones of our outfits) that are going to be posted very very soon.



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  1. Faboulista

    waaaaaaa! i wish i was there too. all of you wonderful people got to meet and i was left out. i always feel jelous when u guys have an event like this where you get to hang out with one another and i cant join!

  2. Anaivilo

    AAAhh, de ce nu am putut ajunge si eu? :(( Vroiam si eu sa va cunosc. Poza cu voi doua in centru -cu parul rosu semafor- e geniala! 😀 Targurile acestea sunt foarte faine, gasesti o multime de lucruri frumoase si intalnesti oameni interesanti. Super outfituri ati avut! 😀 (Mi-a fost lene sa scriu in engleza, sorry :)) )

  3. Alice in vintageland

    Girls, you’re awesome! I had a great time talking with you and I’m sure this will not be the last time we do it! You both looked stunning and I’m crazy about Sandra’s shirt! I used the same two pictures – thank you so much for taking them!:)

  4. Andreea

    Of course i wasn’t in Bucharest at that time(and i’m still not) buuuuut i swear to god im gonna meet you all this century:D Joking:P Thanks for sharing this pics, i loved to read what you wrote and the photos are stunning…felt a bit like i was there:) Oh well


  5. Living_in_aShoe

    Of, de ce nu sunt targuri vintage si in Timisoara? Eu tra sa merg in piata de vechituri unde caut cu orele in maldare de zdrente pana sa gasesc ceva calumea. Si tra sa ma si imbrac cat mai naspa sa nu atrag atentia ca dupa aia tanti sigur imi cere pret dublu 🙁 Daca stie cineva ceva de targuri vintage in Timisoara va rog foarte mult sa-mi lasati un comment pe blog.


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