We’ve found the Room of Requirement

We’ve found the Room of Requirement

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I wanted this post to be a tribute to the 5th book of the series, the one that i am currently re-re-reading. Call me crazy, but i never seem to get tired of them, everytime i read them, I still get chills and discover new stuff. Don’t know why, maybe cuz there’s still a part of me that will never grow up. So this is for you, all the Potterheads out there! Don’t let the magic die from your hearts!
Click here for more!
wearing Asos faux-fur detachable collar and silver pumps, H&M pants, random sweater


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  1. Andreea

    I’m a Potterhead, i’m a Potterhead:)) Si eu le mai recitesc din cand in cand, cand am timp…desi sar din carte in carte si din capitol in capitol pana ajung unde mi se pare mai palpitant:))
    Haha, am vrut sa-mi iau si eu gulerul ala de Asos, e tare dragalas:D Si pantofii…yummy! <3

  2. Anaivilo

    Oh, cartile cu care am crescut.. I simply devoured them! And even in this day I am still picturing myself in that world. It’s quite awful really, because it makes me dislike this reality more and more O.O

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